December Newsletter

Over the last couple of months I have taken my own advice and been building myself a small studio where I can work without either, hauling all my lights up to the coffee shop, or taking up room in the vaulting room. I have partitioned off an area 3mtrs X 4.5mtrs in an outbuilding and set up my backdrops and lights. It is a great area for product photography and portraiture, but there is one major issue - heat! At present the heat problem means that I can work there for about an hour using a couple of small electric heaters, but then I have to head back into the house to warm up again. Luckily, both the heat problem and the studio are only temporary, until I can sort out a better solution. However, I am not going to end the year by having a moan, it has been and still is a really positive year and my intention is to carry on with the same attitude by going forward into 2023 buzzing with new ideas and challenges.

One of my New Year's resolutions, which I am already implementing, is to , 'Make a negative into a positive', whenever possible. An example is the following photo, take three days ago in thick fog.

This was taken about 10.00am, I had to go out with the dogs and it was freezing, but I took my camera anyway. The result speaks for itself. My settings were, ISO 100, Shutter 1/2500 & Aperture f16. On this type of morning, when I couldn't see more than 10mtrs, it seems crazy to have taken a camera out, but by doing so, I made a miserable walk into a really interesting one.

So, what will 2023 bring on the photography front? I really don't know, but my plan is, to increase the number and scope of courses that I offer, work towards a new camera and a couple of new lenses and to improve my own knowledge and skill by getting out and challenging myself to capture images of subjects that stretch me. Finally, I intend to achieve a much greater knowledge of Adobe Photoshop.

One thing I am going to do next year, is set a monthly challenge for all of you. If you wish to, you can sent the images to me by email, I will review them and give you my opinion and any suggestions that I think will help you. The best image, (In my opinion), each month will be published in the following month's newsletter. Unfortunately, I have to limit this to ONE image per person per month.

In January I will outline the way that the challenges will work, but just for fun, I'll set you a challenge now. (DO NOT SEND ME ANY IMAGES FROM THIS ONE). This is a one word challenge and the word is SHINY. The challenge is to photograph anything shiny. You should get the best image that you can, taking into account the light on the object, the surroundings and your camera and lens. I will publish the image that I take of a shiny object. The lens that I will use will be a 90mm prime/fixed lens. Your image may be better than mine, but the idea is to let you see how my mind works to find a solution to a challenge. Enjoy the challenge, I look forward to starting properly in January.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


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